Robert Huckins Woodland
This 176-acre area abuts both Sprague Farm and Burton Woodland. Many of the trees have reached full maturity, resulting in a canopy that reaches 100 feet in some places. Dotted with streams and ponds, the area features a variety of habitats for both plants and animals, including the Black-throated Blue Warbler, long thought to be extinct in Rhode Island.
Within this three-site area a pristine glacial fen and other wetland support many flowering plants which bloom in succession from early spring through fall. At three different locations, these trails cross permanent streams via beautifully constructed stone bridges. The immense capstones of these structures are testament to the skill and ambition of the early settlers.
There are marked and maintained trails on this property for recreation. Access trails from the Sprague Farm Property on Pine Orchard Road.
Please follow the rules and regulations of the Glocester Land Trust while visiting this property.
Directions: Head west on Route 44, passing Pine Orchard Road; the area is across from pole #458, approximately 1/2 mile east of Sprague Hill Road. This area may also be accessed through the Sprague Farm location on Pine Orchard Road.

Putnam Pike
Chepachet, RI